This content was written by Gabe Salinas, The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner.
How do you start your day? Is it by hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock? Or are you the type that beats your alarm clock and the sun daily? Did you know those two choices you make can significantly impact your day and your life, as well as how successful you are?
Start your day by doing the most challenging task first, and you can be the Best Window Cleaner In The World!
Research shows that people who complete their most difficult tasks first are generally more productive and high achieving than those who tackle to-do items in the easiest to the most challenging method. You will need more momentum to carry from those easy tasks to make those more complicated items easier. You will likely use far more power on the more challenging task than the easiest. And since you only have a limited amount of energy, does it not make more sense to do the most complex tasks first?

Doing The Hardest Task First Sets You Up For Greatness
It was not easy becoming The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner. And it is undoubtedly not easy to wake up before the sun so that I can tackle the most challenging items on my to-do list! But I do it, and I feel more incredible pride and success! It’s a game at this point.
How does this relate to you? How can you benefit from reading my blog or introducing some of the things I talk about into your daily routine?
Greatness. Success. And being the best you!
I am not here to motivate you. Although it may be a by-product, I want you to be a better human and spread your greatness to others! Think about it: if we all got a little better every day, we would have a planet of awesome humans dedicated to being great!
The only way to get better is to “DO THE HARDEST THINGS FIRST!”
Do you calendar your day?
Calendaring your day is an easy enough task. And do you know how many people I talk to during the course of the day that tell me: “I don’t have time,” or “I forgot,” or “I keep a mental calendar”
If you schedule your time, then you have time to do everything. And you will never say, “I forgot,” and you will have more brain power because you can stop mulling around every minute detail of your day in your head because you wrote it down! Really?
Calendaring your day is the first step to success. And the second step is to start your day doing the most challenging tasks. Getting the most demanding things done allows you to coast through the rest of your day. And it keeps you in a positive mood and will increase your productivity.

The Calendar Of The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner
Looking at my calendar, I get up early and get to work. For me, I have to get all the energy out of my head and my body. Otherwise, it won’t be easy for anyone who interacts with me!
Seriously, I have so much going on in my head that sometimes I think my head will explode. My creative mind is flowing, my motivation is high, and I want to take on the world! And this is why I start by writing content for my Window Ninjas company. It’s not the most fun thing to do, but I have the energy to do it. And since I am more creative in the morning, I sit down and produce!
Then the orange highlighter comes out, and I mark off the first task!
Secondly, since I have so much energy first thing in the morning, I need to release it with exercise! Exercise is the best way to get my high energy out and endorphins flowing. I usually go for a 3-5 mile run and listen to whatever book I will read that week. Yes, I read a new book each week. Plus, it is an excellent way to tackle a couple of goals of mine. One is reading a book a week, and the other is exercising every day.
Next on the list is to clean up, grab breakfast and then head into the office. But before doing that, I sit down and write my goals and game plan for the day. I review my calendar and adjust it if necessary. Some items on my list are “liquid,” and others are not. If I can move a liquid item around to make my workflow more efficient or accommodating, I do it! Otherwise, I make my battle plan and work it!
Schedule Your Day, Or Someone Else Will!
Productivity and staying on schedule is the secret to success in life and business. If you want to be the best in your line of work or expertise, start with a calendar and plan the most challenging tasks in your day. I promise you; it will make you stronger, more motivated, and more successful.
Everybody has bad days. And no matter how much planning you do, sometimes the wheels can fall off. Burning fires like a flat car tire, a sick child, or a trip to the emergency room can break up your calendar. But if you plan, you can adjust quickly and with little issue.
I wouldn’t say I like running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Do you? Being The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner is an analogy of what it takes to be successful at what you are good at or in whatever career path you took. I am always looking for great people. People I can help, and who can help me. If you are one of those people, hit me up here or call me at my Window Ninjas company. I’d love to meet you!