Considering A Franchise? Why Window Ninjas Could Be Your Path To Success!

This content was written by Gabe Salinas, the World’s Greatest Window Cleaner!

If you are looking to start a business, why try and reinvent the wheel?

Many new businesses struggle to survive and the attrition rate is scary! According to Forbes the attrition rate of new businesses is 20% after one year. And it increases to 30% after year two! 

Not many companies make it to year 10. Considering half of all new businesses fail by the 5th year, a whopping 70% have been jettisoned by year 10!

Think about that! 70% of new businesses will not make it to year 10.  

No wonder millennials and gen z’rs are scared to death of their future! And is one of the main reasons why they are not as pumped to become a new entrepreneur. Where most want to bang on these guys for not having the guts to get out there and take a chance, I say maybe they are onto something!  

Franchising Is The Proven Path

Going back to the wise number crunchers at Forbes, their data suggest that franchises are much more successful than their go it alone counterparts. 

The risk for franchisees is lower, and banks would prefer to lend money to a proven system as opposed to taking a risk on an unproven company. 

How many franchised businesses have you frequented in the past week? How about within the last month?  How about within the last 365 days?

I promise you, we all frequent the hidden gems and are all happy to tell our friends about the hidden pub, or burger joint.  But when you’re trying to meet up with a large group of associates or need to pop in for a quick coffee to discuss business, where do you go?  

More than likely it is a corporate or franchised business!  And YES – I know that the little hidden gem of a coffee shop is cool and hip, but it’s only after it has been proven, vetted and the mass knows that it weathered the storm of startup!  

This is what makes franchising so advantageous. Someone has already done the dirty work and the heavy lifting to get it to a scalable and sustainable business.  

If you are wanting to be a business owner, and want time freedom and financial freedom, I would rally for the Franchised based model!  

What Is Your Goal?

If you are currently thinking about starting a business, what is the reason?  What is the WHY?  What is it you want to achieve?  What is possessing you to take the chance of a lifetime?

Do you want time freedom?

How about financial freedom?

Maybe you are a giver and want to start a non-profit! 

Anyone that ever talks to me about wanting to come and be a part of Window Ninjas get a very important question posed to them!  It’s an intentional and deliberate question I ask everyone that gets one on one with me! 


When I ask this question I get a myriad of responses.  And rightfully so!  Everyone is different and has different dreams, goals and desires.  

But this one question is very important.  What is your Goal?  Without a goal you can not possibly build a roadmap!  And if you don’t have a roadmap then you’re just going to wander around the desert like a thirsty nomad on the hunt for water! 

You gotta define your goal in order to start the journey to success.  And this is another reason why a good solid franchise based business is worth its weight in gold!  Franchises benefit from their franchisees succeeding and crushing it!  

With franchises you get a business partner, a coach, a mentor and a company that has walked in your shoes!  

Your perspective may differ, but in my experience, startups typically don’t receive any of those benefits!

What Do You Like To Do?

If you’re considering starting a business, it’s essential to understand your motivation. Why do you want to take this significant leap? What do you hope to accomplish?

Not only knowing what your motivation is, but knowing what you like to do plays a big role in a new business startup! If you don’t like cleaning up other peoples crap, it may not be a good idea to open a Port A Jon business! 

However, if you like planting flowers and cutting grass, then a yard care franchise may be up your alley!  In fact, I argue that if you love what you do, the money will flow!  

“I firmly believe we all aspire to wake up every day, be productive, and not feel burdened by our tasks. That’s exactly how I felt in 1992 when I first used a squeegee on a piece of glass – it didn’t feel like work, but rather an activity I thoroughly enjoyed!”

What is it you like to do?  Are you the creative type?  Or are you the guy that likes to get your hands dirty?  Maybe, just maybe, you’re the type that likes to talk to other people and help them purchase certain things that make their life better! 

What’s Your Next Move?

There are a million opportunities out there in the market today. You can go it alone or join a team of proven winners. What is it going to be? If you are unsure and need help, why not reach out to me and start a conversation? What is it going to hurt? Or what is it going to cost you?  

If you want to be successful you gotta take action. Even if it’s the wrong action!  Action is always better than inaction and is the first step in your journey to success. Why not join our team here at Window Ninjas? We have numerous opportunities available and it’s a great way to create time f and financial freedom. 

Trust me – it’s worth a call!  

Keep Shining! 

Gabe Salinas

The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner 
