This content was written by Gabe Salinas for
I am returning home from the HUGE Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, as I write this.
I had the pleasure of meeting many great business people at the show, and they all had one thing in common.
They all needed help!
Realistically, trade shows and conventions are like a massive AA gathering. Like the guy who struggles with drugs or alcohol, new entrepreneurs struggle with the need to be seen, gain knowledge, and forge a successful business path.
When it comes down to brass tacks, our two protagonists are in a bit of a pickle! Both are searching for aid, navigating through a labyrinth of challenges. They’re not just twiddling their thumbs – they’re wading through serious issues!
Think about your life or business right now. What do you need help with?
Is it your job? Is it your lack of leads or knowledge when hiring your first employee?
The Number One Question

If you’re part of the service industry, as I am, you require three key elements – leads, customers, and employees.
Without leads, you can’t acquire customers. Without employees, your ability to serve many customers is restricted. This, in turn, limits your business growth and hampers your capacity to scale and expand your company.
It’s crucial to understand that growth and scale are not the same, though that’s a discussion for another day. In essence, scaling is vital, and growth is essential!
Without employees, both growth and scaling are as likely as a fish riding a bicycle! You will hit a ceiling if you’re a lone ranger in business. You can’t exactly strike gold in terms of time or financial freedom because, let’s face it, your wallet only fills up when you’re juggling the roles of salesperson and service provider!
And what about when the vacation bug bites? As a solo entrepreneur, your dreamy $3,000 getaway is a $6,000 venture. Half for the holiday and half for the revenue that vanished while you were sipping margaritas on the beach – because last time I checked, being in two places at once still defies the laws of physics!
The folks over at HUGE conveniently omitted that little gem!
So, what was the burning question everyone threw my way?
Indeed, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you!
The hot topic? Employees – how to scout, recruit, educate, pay, and keep them around without resorting to hypnotism.

Now, why was this the million-dollar question on everyone’s lips?
Let me set the stage for you! Here, we have a convention bursting with over 1800 attendees, buzzing with more than 100 vendors. So, why was this ONE query being echoed repeatedly by tradespeople who had invested their precious time, sweat, and hard-earned cash to flock to Nashville, eager to learn and earn at HUGE? Quite the head-scratcher.
By all means – I’m not trying to play armchair critic of THE HUGE convention. Quite the contrary, I rubbed shoulders with some fascinating folks and even had a few lightbulb moments.
However, I stumbled upon an issue – a puzzle begging for a solution. How Do I Get Employees?
Regrettably, I couldn’t spill the beans on my secret franchise sauce to HUGE attendees. As much as I would like to pull them out of the deep end and save them from drowning, I had to tighten my lips.
That is unless they decide to jump on board and franchise with me!
What a conundrum!
Why Start From Scratch or Reinvent the Wheel? Why Not Skip the Obstacles and Accelerate Your Journey?
This is the benefit of franchising!
Imagine my surprise when, over a morning coffee at the HUGE Convention, I found myself chatting with a fellow entrepreneur desperately needing an employee boost. His question echoed through the hall: “How do you get employees?”
My reply was simple yet provocative: “Why struggle solo when you can join a franchise?”
He shared his story. He’d saved $100,000 and dumped it all into his venture – a truck, pressure washing equipment, marketing campaigns, and resources to learn the ropes. But instead of building a business, he bought himself a job.
With him attending the convention, I couldn’t resist asking, “Who’s taking care of your clients back home?”
The answer was as expected: “No one, which is why I need employees.”
I posed another question: “Have you ever estimated the cost of a franchise?”
His response was predictably cautious: “It’s hefty, from what I understand!”
But as we dissected his expenses and compared them to franchising costs, the benefits of the latter started to shine through. We discussed how a good franchise provides support, systems, and economies of scale.
Let’s face it – you’re trying to reinvent the wheel and gather knowledge. But wouldn’t it be better if that wisdom was accessible, organized, and systematized for you?
So, here’s a revelation:
Joining a franchise might be lighter on your pocket than going solo and attempting to build from scratch.
Intriguing, isn’t it?
I’m Here To Help You And Want To See You Succeed! But You Gotta Commit!
I can only give out so much information for free. As with all information sources, whether a franchisor, a social media influencer, or a business coach, there will inevitably be a cost or exchange of currency or something of value.
If you are struggling with your business and are tired of spinning your wheels, why not pick up the phone and give me a call?
What is that going to cost you? A few minutes?
What could it be worth? Time freedom? Financial freedom? A successful business? The life you dream of?
Have you ever considered how much money, success, and time you could enjoy compared to how much time and energy you put into your business? Or on your JOB?
If you’re on the hunt for business problem-solvers, look no further.
I offer complimentary consultation calls where I paint a vivid picture of how Window Ninjas can transform your world.
We’ll delve into tried-and-tested systems that grant you financial freedom and give you the luxury of time – the two key ingredients for living your dream life.
So, if you’re ready to leapfrog into success rather than toiling over the wheel’s blueprint, a Window Ninjas franchise is your ticket to ride!

Keep Shining,
Gabe Salinas
The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner