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You know this already: The little things add up to the big things. But why do we keep screwing this up? You fail to do that one tiny detail, and suddenly it’s like life is slapping you upside the head. Ever been there?

“I don’t need a checklist,” you say. “I’ve GOT this!” Oh yeah? Then why’d you empty the office trash cans but forget the one in the kitchen? What about the back office trash can? “That one doesn’t get full, it’s fine,” you tell yourself. Really? You think that’s okay? You’re walking around like you did a solid job—until the boss rolls in and asks, “Hey, why hasn’t there been a trash bag in my can for two days?”

Why? WHY? Because YOU skipped a step. Yesterday, there was no trash liner in the boss’s can. Sure, there wasn’t a mess, so they tossed some stuff in it anyway. Fast forward to today—still no trash bag. What’s missing here? Oh, I know—follow-through.

It’s the little things, man. THE LITTLE THINGS. Those are what separate greatness from “Good enough, I guess.” And right now, you’re falling into the second camp.


Answer me this, hotshot—how many things do you juggle daily? When do the kids need to be dropped off? What time is their pickup? When’s your girlfriend’s birthday again… or your wedding anniversary? Forget either of those and tell me how that works out for you.

Really, pause for a second—ask yourself this question. Are you paying attention to the things that matter most?

See, the world doesn’t fall apart from one big catastrophe. It’s death by a thousand tiny cuts. And when it happens, you sit there asking, “But what went wrong?” YOU went wrong. Skipping the details is what screws everything up.

Why has society gotten so careless? Why are we all walking around like we’re too smart for a checklist? Is it some kind of flex? Look, would you EVER get on a 747 captained by a pilot who skipped the pre-flight checklist?

“Flaps up? Looks fine. Fuel topped off? I think so. Clear for takeoff? Meh, why not!”

You’d get off that plane so fast, because guess what—not paying attention to the details isn’t just stupid, it’s dangerous. Your life might not be a 747, but it runs on the same principle. Miss the small things now, and your crash landing’s right around the corner.


Tell me this—what’s your excuse for not doing 100%? Better yet, why are you not even aiming for 150%? Yeah, I said it. One hundred percent isn’t enough anymore! Why are YOU holding yourself back?

Is it because you think small things don’t matter? Do you believe YOU don’t need to pay attention because you’re above all that? Hate to break it to you, but that attitude is why mediocrity has you by the throat.

Would you skip the foundation of a house because “the roof looks good enough”? No! But that’s exactly what you’re doing by ignoring details day in, day out. Every little thing you skip—every task you half-ass—chips away at your ability to build something great.


Here’s the moment of truth—what’s this costing you? How much of your potential are you throwing away every single day? Sit with that for a second. I’ll wait.

Now, tell me this. If you had the power to snap your fingers and change TWO bad habits right now—what would they be? Think about it. Be honest. Maybe it’s laziness. Maybe it’s thinking you’re smarter than you are. Maybe it’s that you’re just too comfortable being mediocre.

And if I asked you to name one person you admire—someone you’d like to be more like—who would it be? Would it be the version of yourself who pays attention? The one who finishes the job down to the very last step?

If you had the drive, the discipline, and the ability to show up as your absolute best self every single day—what would your life look like then? Picture that future version of you who’s crushing it, and now ask yourself—what’s stopping you?


It’s not your boss. Or your spouse. Or your kids, or your job, or the universe throwing obstacles in your way. It’s YOU. You’re what’s standing in your way right now. And until you call yourself out on that, nothing will change.

You’ve got the power to step up, but it starts with holding yourself accountable. Here’s how:

  1. Write It Down

I don’t care who you are—you’re not too good for a checklist. Pilots need them. Surgeons need them. You need them. Write down what you need to do, do it, and then CHECK IT OFF.

  1. Work Like It Matters (Because It Does)

Don’t go halfsies. Ever. If you’re tackling a task—whether it’s trash cans, spreadsheets, or building a damn rocket—do it completely and correctly.

  1. Be Better Today Than Yesterday

What’s the one thing you can do right now that will make you a little better than you were yesterday? Do that. And then tomorrow, do it again.

  1. Demand More From Yourself

Stop coasting. Be relentless. Expect more out of YOU than anyone else does. Not because you have to—because you CAN.


When was the last time you jumped out of bed and said, “I’m totally fine with being average today!” Never? Yeah. Me neither. But if you keep cutting corners, that’s exactly where you’re going to end up.

You’re better than average. You’re better than “good enough.” But the only person who can prove that to the world is YOU.

Your life depends on showing up. Fully. 100%. Day in and day out. The future you are DYING to become depends on it. Hell, society depends on it.

Imagine the world if EVERYONE showed up at 150%. Imagine YOU showing up like that. Now stop imagining, and BE the person who does the work—not just when it’s fun or convenient, but because you have too much pride not to.

The big wins? They’re not magic. They happen because of the millions of small things done with care, effort, and attention. Every. Single. Day.

What are you waiting for? Get out there. Be the change. And for crying out loud, start lining the trash cans.

Gabe Salinas
The World’s Greatest Window Cleaner


Author gabesalinas

Gabe Salinas is the world's greatest window cleaner! With three decades of experience in the industry, Gabe has the confidence and knowledge to claim his title. Gabe's passion for cleaning is only matched by his drive to reach and inspire those who want to better themselves, and he is always ready to talk with those who want to learn.

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