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This content was created by Gabe Salinas for

What’s your plan today?

What are you going to accomplish?

What is the one thing you have been putting off for days on end?  Are you going to tackle that task first?



Why not?

What’s stopping you from achieving your goals?  Do you have a list of goals?  Are you the type that sits down each morning and writes them out?  Or do you find yourself spending countless minutes scrolling through your social media feed, instead?

How about exercise?  When was the last time you got out of bed early, and went for a jog, or a walk?  

How about going to the gym?  You know, that recurring debit from your checking account or credit card that is more habitual…. than you actually going to the gym!  


Don’t take my words as insults.  Yeah, maybe I am calling you out!  However, you’re still reading this, only because you know that what I am saying has some truth to it!  PLUS, I guarantee, if you are just curious enough, your brain is saying you need to take some action! 

Hey, it’s a good first step – would you agree?

Come on!  If you want to go somewhere in life, you gotta make a plan!  

If you want that dream job – you gotta have a plan of action!

If you want that six pack to go along with biceps that look like medium sized stones sitting on top of your triceps, then you gotta have a plan! 

So what’s stopping you?

What’s in your way?  

What excuses are you making that is keeping you from attaining your goals?  


Are you agreeing with me on every point I make, because you have a game plan today?

Did you sit down first thing this morning and write out your goals and then calendared time to get them done! If you’re that person – good for you! 

I would wager that the person who sits down and makes a plan each day is more successful and gets more done, and is less stressed, compared to the guy that rolls out of bed and goes through life winging it!  

Would you agree with what I just said?

Or do you disagree?

Hey, I am not always right!  I could be wrong!  There could be millions of successful people out there that go about their lives winging it every day!  AND are highly successful!

I have yet to meet those people, and if they exist, I would surely like to meet them!  

WHY – you ask?  Why on earth would I want to meet people that are just winging it every day?

Because I guarantee you that they have some sort of plan, and it may be a plan that I have never seen! 

You see, I like to learn!  I like to gain knowledge!  I like to believe in everyone…….until they prove me wrong.

I have found, and studies back me up, that the most highly successful people are planners.  They write their goals down and focus on them like a laser beam of light!  

What are you focusing on?  Is it your dream of six pack abs?  

Did you get up and go for a 1 hour run this morning?

Maybe your focus is meeting new people in your town or city.

Did you get up this morning and write down a list of people and places that you are going to get in front of?  Or did you find some organizations that would allow you to meet and help people in your locale?

If you are that person, and actively put your plan of action to work everyday, GOOD FOR YOU!  

If you’re not that person, it is possible for you to become THAT PERSON! 

Otherwise, you’re going to be stuck at home or in your office, staring at the same four walls, a computer screen, a cell phone and probably a tv turned on to some infomercial! 

Is that the person you want to be known as?  Heck, will you even BE KNOWN?

What’s my point?  

If you haven’t figured it out yet, here it is!  

Are you ready?

Let’s go!

  1. Get up early
  2. Write down your GOALS – long term and short term
  3. PRODUCE something – anything – just produce something!
  5. Shower and DRESS WELL – Dressing well is for you – no one else!  Look good, Feel Good! 
  6. Check your CALENDAR – and make sure it’s full!  If you have a blank space – review your goals and fill your calendar with those items!
  7. EAT – yeah you got to do that about every 3 hours!  Is it in your calendar? Check it!
  8. Make some calls – whether it’s for work, or personal.  Who are you going to REACH OUT to today?
  9. THRIVE at your job, career or business!  Yeah, you gotta build your own plan of attack for this one too.  
  10. FAMILY TIME and PERSONAL TIME!  Once you have succeeded at your productive priorities, now is the time to enjoy the greatest person on the planet! YOU!!

Seems pretty easy, right?

I am glad you agree!

Now go out into the world today, and turn your life into the life you dream of living! 


Author gabesalinas

Gabe Salinas is the world's greatest window cleaner! With three decades of experience in the industry, Gabe has the confidence and knowledge to claim his title. Gabe's passion for cleaning is only matched by his drive to reach and inspire those who want to better themselves, and he is always ready to talk with those who want to learn.

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