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Growing up, my dad had this knack for dropping life advice that didn’t fully hit you until years later — like, “Ohhh, that’s what he meant!” One of my earliest memories was him telling me that life is like a hallway full of doors. Big ones that tower over you. Tiny ones you almost miss. Some wide open, waiting for you to just walk on through. Others slightly cracked, like they’re daring you to give them a push.

And he didn’t sugarcoat life either. He’d say, “Every choice, every step — you’re opening some doors, closing others. Some slam shut, locked up tighter than a medieval chastity belt. Others lead to a new hallway with even more doors. The question isn’t what’s behind them. The question is, are you willing to walk through?” That one has stuck with me my whole life.

Here’s the deal — you’ve got a hallway in front of you right now. Doors open, some creaking, some just hanging there, and others ready to close forever. What’s the plan? Are you moving, or are you just standing there wondering what’s on the other side?

Are You Just Hanging Out in the Hallway?

Picture this — you’re standing in a hallway, staring at a door, and you’re frozen. Sound familiar? Maybe you’re thinking, “What if I pick the wrong one? What if it doesn’t work out? What if I fail?” But while you’re staring, guess what’s happening? Some of those doors are quietly closing.

Time doesn’t send you a memo. It’s there until it’s not. What about that business idea you’ve been sitting on? The job you’re too scared to apply for because what if you get rejected? Or the person you’ve been too proud to reach out to and make amends with?

C’mon, admit it — we’ve all done it. You know what’s worse than taking a risk? Never taking it and wondering about it for the rest of your life. What’s staring you down right now? And here’s the kicker — what’s holding you back?

The Doors That Slam Shut

Here’s the truth — they’re not all stay-open-forever doors. Some will close while you’re standing there hemming and hawing. Maybe it’s that time you said, “Eh, I’ve got plenty of time to patch things up with that friend,” and now you’ve lost them. Maybe it’s the job you didn’t act on and now someone else is killing the game on what could’ve been your dream gig.

It burns, doesn’t it? Hey, I know the feeling. Been there. But you know what I’ve learned? Regret can sting like a bee, but it doesn’t have to knock you out of the game. Those shut doors? They teach you to be quicker and bolder the next time an opportunity comes knocking.

What About the Half-Cracked Doors?

Oh yeah, these are fun. You know the ones — they’re not fully open, but not closed either. It’s almost like they’re winking at you, saying, “Hey, I could still be here if you make the move.”

Maybe it’s that passion project you started but ghosted on halfway through. Or a hobby you loved but ditched because life got busy. Those half-open doors? They’re your second chances. But here’s the catch — they won’t just hang out, waiting for you to stroll on over whenever it works for your schedule.

What’s stopping you from taking another crack at that thing you keep thinking about? Feel that little nudge? That’s your gut telling you to get moving.

New Hallways, New Doors

Here’s something cool — every time you step through a door, a whole new hallway opens up. Maybe it’s brighter and bigger than the last one. Maybe it’s a little rougher around the edges. You don’t know until you go through it. That’s the beauty of it.

But if you just stand there, rooted to the spot, nothing’s gonna change. Life’s hallway shifts — you can’t fight it. Doors you think will be there forever? Gone tomorrow. And ones you missed because you were too chicken to look? Bye-bye.

What hallway are you standing in today? Do you see what’s around you? Or are you staring too long at the one door that already closed?

What’s Stopping You?

Here’s where I’m gonna get real — life isn’t waiting for anyone. It’s not waiting for you to feel “ready.” It’s not holding the door open, giving you a polite little countdown. Confidence won’t show up on a red carpet. You build it by doing.

Think of all the people who didn’t wait. Colonel Sanders didn’t say, “Eh, maybe fried chicken isn’t my thing.” J.K. Rowling didn’t stop writing after rejections. These folks didn’t stand in their hallways for eternity; they moved.

What about you? What’s the next door you need to shove open?

Quit Waiting — Start Moving

Here’s the reality — the hallway of life keeps moving, whether you’re strolling along with it or chilling on your heels. Doors are closing, but doors are also opening. You’ve got to pick one, take a step, and trust yourself enough to handle what’s on the other side.

The time to move isn’t later. It’s not tomorrow or “someday.” It’s now. Your hallway’s here, your doors are waiting. And the big question is — what are you gonna do about it?

What’s Your Take?

What’s your hallway look like these days? Did this article speak to you, or do you think I’m dead wrong? Have you found yourself staring at a door that won’t budge — or worse, watched one close when you hadn’t even tried to move?

I want to know what you think. Seriously! Share your thoughts, your hallway stories, and your takeaways. And if you’ve got someone in mind who needs this kick of motivation, do me a favor — pass it on. I’d do the same for you. Keep shining, keep moving, and remember — there’s no time like now. What are you gonna do about it?


Author gabesalinas

Gabe Salinas is the world's greatest window cleaner! With three decades of experience in the industry, Gabe has the confidence and knowledge to claim his title. Gabe's passion for cleaning is only matched by his drive to reach and inspire those who want to better themselves, and he is always ready to talk with those who want to learn.

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