Are you buying into the whispers of an imminent market recession? When it comes to inflation, does it worry you to no end, leading you to question your next move?
Are you accepting without question the narrative presented by authorities on the current state of inflation in America? Or do you harbor an underlying sense of doubt, a feeling that there’s more to this scenario than meets the eye!

Those of you that are entrepreneurs, are you truly optimistic about what the economy holds for us over the next year? Are you bracing for a rise in the costs of goods and services, or are you betting on a decrease?
Did I do a good job of exploiting your curiosity? Are you now pondering over inflation rates, questioning whether the economic slowdown is merely a summer slump or if it’s an indication of a more profound issue?
I’m not here to fan the flames of fear, but to arm you with knowledge! I firmly believe that each one of us has valid concerns about the current economic scenario. But I also hold steadfast in the belief that those who are prepared, those who make strategic moves, will not just weather this storm but emerge from it stronger and more successful than ever before!
Lets Jump Into The Numbers
According to the Pew Research Center, inflation rates are not just rising in the United States, they’re skyrocketing globally! But let’s contrast this with the spoon-fed narrative from our own government. As of July end, they want us to believe that the US inflation rate is a meager 3.18%!
So why does it seem like every economic discussion I participate in inevitably circles back to the rising cost of living?
Why are people saying, “Man, things are so expensive!”
Why is there a collective outcry over soaring gas and food prices, and let’s not even begin to discuss the exorbitant housing costs!
Astounding, isn’t it?
As of now, the inflation rate is at its highest since the early ’80s! If you’re unfamiliar with the relationship between Jimmy Carter and inflation, I highly recommend you dig a little deeper. Here’s a little something to whet your appetite!

Now, let’s play a little trivia!
Do you know which country currently tops the chart for the highest inflation rate? If you are scratching your head in bewilderment, no worries, because I’m about to enlighten you!
It’s Israel.
Yes, our Jewish friends in the Middle East, residing in what many consider the holiest land on earth, are grappling with the world’s highest inflation rate! In the first quarter of 2022, Israel’s inflation rate was a staggering 25 times higher than it was in the first quarter of 2020!
Greece and Italy follow closely behind in second and third place, respectively.
However, there is some relief for those of us residing in the United States! Our magnificent country ranks 19th on the list of countries with the highest inflation rates.
Some of you might be tempted to pat ourselves on the back, saying, “Not bad! Way to go, Joe!”
Perhaps you think his economic decision-making was spot-on after all!
NOT So Fast Young Grasshoppa!
Would it shock you to discover that out of all 38 member nations of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), along with seven other economically notable countries for which the OECD provides data, the United States is ranked 13th in terms of the fastest-growing inflation rate? Indeed, it’s a startling revelation! We are, in fact, nestled within the top third of the global echelon when it comes to rapidly escalating inflation rates!
Think about that for a moment. Let it truly sink in. We are part of a society where our money is losing value at one of the fastest rates globally. Every dollar you earn, every cent you save, is being steadily eroded by this invisible force called inflation.
Inflation impacts everyone, AND it’s not an equal-opportunity offender. It hits low-income families harder than their wealthier counterparts. The rising cost of living, the escalating prices of everyday essentials – these aren’t just numbers on a page. They’re realities that millions of Americans grapple with every day.
From the food on our tables to the gas in our cars, from the rent we pay to the healthcare we need, everything is getting more expensive. And while our incomes might be increasing on paper, our purchasing power – the real measure of wealth – is dwindling.

This is more than just an economic issue; it’s also a social and human issue. It’s about the quality of our lives, the futures we envision for ourselves, our children and future grandchildren!
It’s about whether we can afford to dream or if we’re too caught up in the struggle to survive.
So, I invite you now to pause and reflect. Can we truly afford to remain passive, to watch from the sidelines as this unforgiving trend continues to erode the value of our hard-earned money? Or is it time for us to rise, to take the reins of our financial futures, and make strategic decisions that could safeguard us from the harshest blows of inflation?
Here Is Your Tip Of The Week – Your Inflation Killer
Consider the prospect of owning your own business. This isn’t just about entrepreneurship; it’s about creating a fortress, a potential bulwark against the relentless tide of inflation. But let’s delve deeper into that in due course.
Right now, I want you to let the full weight of our present challenges sink in. Feel it, right there in the pit of your gut – that’s where you’ll find the fuel to push past it.
Feel it.
Understand it.
Because it’s only when we truly comprehend the gravity of our situation that we can summon the courage to change it. Let this moment serve as a catalyst, a call to action. For in the face of adversity, it’s not fear but determination that should define us.
Your Hedge Against Inflation
Take a moment, inhale deeply.
I get it, I’ve dropped a ton of information on you and now, you’re rethinking your last five plays!
But hey, this is the game of life – it’s fast, it’s tough, and it’s all about making moves. Doubt is just a distraction. So, breathe, regroup, and let’s SHINE together!
Yes, inflation is high. And yes, it feels like our government isn’t being entirely transparent with us. It’s as if they’re shielding us from the harsh truth, much like parents trying to protect their young ones from the reality of a beloved grandparent’s imminent passing. The intention might be noble, aimed at preventing panic and chaos. But in the process, trust is eroded and anxieties are fueled.
But here’s the thing – with every cloud, there’s a silver lining. And I’m here to share that with you.
Right now is an opportune time to seize the reins and become your own boss. History shows us that when markets correct and fear sets in, the greatest opportunities are born. It’s in these moments that fortunes are made, and companies rise to prominence.
When others are lost in confusion and worry, you can be the beacon of hope by providing solutions. That’s the essence of a thriving business – solving problems and meeting needs. Each day in the office, problem-solving forms the crux of my work, benefiting employees, clients, and potential clients alike. And you too can be part of this exciting journey.
Dive into the sea of entrepreneurship!
Ask yourself:
- Do you have the grit and determination to be a business owner?
- Are you prepared to attain financial freedom and command over your time?
- How do you envision your net worth?
- How many hours a week are you willing to invest to earn the income you desire?
- What kind of life do you aspire to?
If you’ve been mulling over these questions, what’s stopping you? Is it a lack of time? Or the absence of funds. Maybe it’s fear, like a big, bold, red check engine light that pops up when you’re cruising down the twisty, shadowy highway of life. It’s all about uncertainty, and you want to be the big dog you gotta face it head on!
Honest introspection is the first step towards achieving your dreams.
Embrace it!

Have you heard about our move towards franchising my Window Ninjas business?
This shift opens up a plethora of opportunities for individuals like you to become successful business owners without starting from scratch.
Franchises have a proven track record of success, and the established brand recognition can lend an immediate boost to your endeavor.
Reach Out
But don’t just lean on my words alone. I encourage you to embark on your own journey of discovery. Dive into the vast ocean of knowledge, and let’s meet on the other side for a chat! You can reach me via a call to my office, or perhaps a message on LinkedIn would be more convenient for you.
If my words resonate with you, if they strike a chord within, then I invite you to share this message with others who might also appreciate these insights. Give it a thumbs up, pass it along. In doing so, we can create a ripple effect, spreading wisdom and sparking meaningful conversations.
But what if you find yourself at odds with my words? What if you have an alternate perspective, a suggestion, or a critique? Well, I welcome that too. Let’s not shy away from healthy debate and diverse viewpoints. Leave it in the comments section, let your voice be heard. Remember, it’s through robust dialogue that we grow, learn, and evolve.
So, let’s keep the conversation going. There’s much more to discuss, much more to unravel. And together, we can explore these uncharted territories. So, are you ready to embark on this journey of discovery with me?